Chris! ☆★

Hello! I'm Chris/Thiu/Eli/Patches! I make silly little things on the internet. I mostly draw my ocs or fanart, sometimes I write and very rarely animate.☆★ transmasc, agender, quoimascflux
☆★ omni lesboy, polyamorus
☆★ minor
Kinlist (not super in order but mostly biggest to least)
☆★ Thiu (Better Half)
☆★ ENA (ENA)
☆★ Lime (Witch's Heart)
☆★ Noel Levine (Witch's Heart)
☆★ Olive Higgins (Purrfect Apawcalypse)
☆★ Brownie Pembroke (Purrfect Apawcalypse)
☆★ Joe Tazuna (YTTD)
☆★ Patches Ito (Purrfect Apawcalypse)

☆★ Do not use my art for anything without permission.
☆★ Do not vent to me unless you're my friend and I give you permission.
☆★I'd prefer if you use tonetags, but you don't have to.
DNI if:
☆★ queerphobic/racist/anti-semetic, etc.
☆★ radfem/terf
☆★ proshipper
☆★ aromantic/asexual exclusionist
☆★ against mspec lesbians/gays
☆★ if i said not to

(may forget some)☆★ Pokemon
☆★ Splatoon
☆★ Purrfect Apawcalypse
☆★ Witch's Heart
☆★ Your Turn To Die
☆★ Vincent: The Secret of Myers
☆★ Therapy With Dr. Albert Kruger
☆★ Morfosi
☆★ Danganronpa: Another Series
☆★ Danganronpa: Despair Time
☆★ Danganronpa: Lapse
☆★ Danganronpa: Project Eden's Garden
☆★ Butterfly Soup
☆★ HFJOne
☆★ Milgram
☆★ Wobbledogs